Smart legislation would be great, lets get rid of the dumb laws too

We might, as Neelie Kroes suggests, be losing the battle to enforce copyright. The hearts and minds of many users might already be lost to the more tempting promise of limitless supply in a copyright-free world. But what role has the law played in creating this situation and what could politicians do to fix it? The e-commerce directive and DMCA need to be back in the spotlight, and the dreadful, if unintended, consequences of those hasty laws need to be recognised and reversed.


Neelie Kroes has made an interesting speech, much of which it’s hard to disagree with. Her theme is “who feeds the artist” and it refocuses the discussion about copyright on its core objective: to ensure that creators get paid.

She states the following objectives for copyright:

Legally, we want a well-understood and enforceable framework. Morally, we want dignity, recognition and a stimulating environment for creators. Economically, we want financial reward so that artists can benefit from their hard work and be incentivised to create more.

And she says she’s an “unconditional supporter” of these objectives. Which is good news. I agree.

She comes out as a strong supporter of a better licensing infrastructure, making it easier to legally acquire the rights needed to use content legally. I agree with this too. It’s more or less the same line of thinking I have been promoting since the idea of ACAP was a twinkle in my eye, and it’s strongly supportive of the approach which the Linked Content Coalition is now developing actively.

Smart legislation

She says that “smart legislation” can play a role in bringing about her vision of a better future for creators. Three cheers for that, I say, because the bleak choice to litigate endlessly and expensively is not appealing to anybody least of all the beleagured creators.

I also hope that along with introducing “smart legislation” she also gives consideration to abolishing, or at least modifying, some dumb legislation of the past.

Kroes says:

legal enforceability is becoming increasingly difficult; the millions of dollars invested trying to enforce copyright have not stemmed piracy

This is true, and this is a problem which has been in no small measure caused and exacerbated by the law. Specifically one law.

Dumb legislation

The European e-commerce directive (along with its counterpart the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in the USA) has created the giant loophole through which the coach-and-horses of businesses contemptuous of copyright can be driven.

This directive created the “safe harbour” (to use the american term) which makes internet companies effectively immune from liability (or damages) for the infringements of their users.

In so doing, it went beyond protecting vulnerable new players from the possible  consequences of old law applied to the new world. It also created a huge opportunity for anyone to build a business which can make vast sums of money exploiting content – as long as they don’t do anything to monitor or proactively act on infringements.

Ignorance is not just a defence, it’s a necessity

As far as copyright is concerned, their obligation is to do no more than wait for complaints and then act on them. In fact if they do do more than this they actually increase their liability – ignorance of the infringement is their defence. So the law actually rewards a lack of governance and punishes responsible behaviour. Ignorance, in this case, is not just a defence but an obligation.

Their users aren’t similarly immune, of course. They are expected by the law to take full responsibility for their actions. On the face of it this seems fair; there’s still someone who has liability, it’s just not the internet company who merely provided a facility which a naughty user abused.

ISPs are immune, users are unreachable

However, while the liability may pass to their users, the internet companies don’t actually have to know who their users are to benefit from the immunity the law gives them. Nor are they obliged to hand over whatever details they do have about their users, and most of them will refuse to do so without a court order (after which it may turn out they have little or nothing to give – the one time I pursued this all I got at the end of it was an IP address belonging to a university).

So the copyright owners have to police the entire internet, all the time, in respect of every piece of their content, in order to get infringing copies removed. In reality taking further action against users is expensive, unlikely to result in any meaningful recompence and often impossible even if they are prepared to go to court twice (once to obtain the user details and then again to actually take action against them). And internet companies, freed from the irksome responsibility of even basic governance, are able to build huge businesses with very little cost or risk.

So, unsurprisingly, some of the biggest businesses on the internet depend on this for their viability and enormous profits.

Legislate in haste, unintended consequences guaranteed

One way of thinking about this law, and the DMCA, is that they codified the status quo on the internet at quite an early stage. The internet had largely grown up from a utopian vision of a world free from many of the constraints of the regulated world outside.

This utopian vision used to extend well beyond copyright. I remember when people thought that they were truly anonymous on the internet, that they couldn’t be traced or monitored as long as they used a pseudonym. When people thought that national laws would be unenforceable and that traditional law would never reach the internet. It was truly a utopian vision, from the perspective of those who built it starting with a blank sheet. The hope of many of them was that commercialism and old legal frameworks would never rule the day because in the intangible, borderless new world of cyberspace individuals held the power.

But gradually the real world has chipped away at that vision. Some of it is still there, but just like the real world we have seen the full mix of human nature move online. And as it has the internet has changed. Criminal activity has had to be curbed. Regulation and law enforcement have become an ever growing reality. Surveillance and intrusion has become a fact of life too, with complex steps needed for those who want to try to evade it. Security has improved, peoples willingness to trade online has improved too, and the ingenuity of criminals has raced ahead. An endless cat-and-mouse game. It was ever thus.

Almost no aspect of the internet is recognisable from those utopian early days from the way in which web pages work to the protocols which underpin the most basic functionality

Copyright has been excluded from the evolution of the internet

However, strangely, the internet is no better at dealing with copyright than it ever was. Despite the ability of the internet to simplify immensely complex things – from finding a website to dealing with your banking – copyright remains as old-fashioned and clunky as ever and the internet’s ability to deal with it remains entirely undeveloped. Buying a licence – or even knowing who to buy one from – is, as Kroes points out, is absurdly complex and expensive.

As far as copyright is concerned, the internet remains much as it was when Tim Berners-Lee had the first twinkle of a web page in his eye. Which is unfortunate because at that stage the internet without any effective mechanisms for managing copyright at all.

But why was copyright left behind as the internet raced ahead? What held it in that simplistic, stunted state of evolution?

Well, in part it suits those who have the greatest influence over the way the internet works, so they have (at best) avoided putting any resource into the issue and (at worst) done everything they can to prevent other initiatives from gaining ground. Whether for ideological or commercial reasons (and one very often masquerades as the other) they have no desire for change and can kill any attempts by pronouncing that they would “break the internet”.

But they have been aided and abetted, and latterly incentivised, by laws made in haste for simplistic reasons and which have held the internet suspended in an embryonic form, destined like Peter Pan never to grow up, for the last decade or more.

Poor copyright functionality is complimentary to the new mega-businesses

What it has given rise to is a small cadre of mega-businesses, who monopolise the content-related revenues of the internet and prevent development of new business models. It has impoverished content businesses and destroyed, in many instances, the rationale for investment in creativity.

These mega-businesses, made bullet-proof by the law, have also created a world in which copyright has become demonised and where the less you invest in content the more you make.

Kroes is right to point out in her speech the shame that creators make so little from their creations but she is ducking a big issue if she fails to address the real cause of the problem.

It’s true that enforcement is a losing game but hardly surprising given the protection that the law has given to infringement. Imagine if the law made dealing in guns and ammunition legal and unrestricted, and only criminalised use of guns. Would we have more or less gun crime? Imagine if we abolished speed limits and allowed drivers to decide for themselves how fast to go. Would we have more or fewer road deaths? Imagine if the job of setting duties on fuel were put in the hands of car manufacturers. Would we see cheaper or more expensive petrol prices?

Letting people write the law to favour their own interests is likely to result in laws which minimise their obligations and and maximise their opportunities regardless of the impact on anyone else. That’s why, in democracies, they’re not allowed to do it. The role of politicians is to prevent this happening and ensure that the law strikes a fair balance. With what were doubtless impeccable intentions at the time to protect vulnerable underdogs in the new digital world, the safe harbour provisions of the E-commerce directive and the DMCA have failed the test of time and has proved themselves to be a disaster. ‘

Failed laws should be changed, even if it upsets the status quo

It’s no surprise that these invulnerable internet businesses lobby strongly for the laws which protect them from normal vagaries and costs of business governance, and even for further relaxation to make life even easier for them. Their absurdly self-interested and disingenuous arguments have been given so much exposure, courtesy of their enormous consumer reach and the lobbyists they fund, that they have begun to feel to some as if they are givens, natural truths. We are in danger of getting the world they have wished for.

Nor is it any surprise that their users, who are also the beneficiaries of the impunity to infringe that has been created, dislike copyright and resist attempts to enforce it. Someone threatening to take away the cheap and seemingly limitless fuel that they have grown so used to putting in their cheap and gas-guzzling cars, and they want to keep it.

While it’s great to hear politicians talk about using “smart legislation” to improve things for creators in the future, they shouldn’t consider the recent past as anything other than a salutary lesson. As well as creating better new legislation they need to get rid of the disastrous old legislation which has destroyed much of the opportunities the internet should offer creators.

While I share Neelie Kroes’s frustration about enforcement, I find it equally frustrating to see politicians talking about this as if it’s nothing to do with them. Of course we need to move on, and the first thing we need to do is remove the legal incentives to build massive businesses on copyright infringement.


3 Comments so far. Leave a comment below.
  1. this blog is very interesting and informative as it is sharing text on copyright which is current issue and everyone should be aware of its laws and rights.
    Nice blog keep blogging……….

  2. Great blog!
    It’s going to take a long time to correct the errors of the past.

  3. You have neglected I think to consider wheter these “safe harbour” legislations cannot have some legitimate rationale behind them. Expecting ISPs to police their users’ activities is, to me, the rough equivalent of the mail services or courier businesses routinely opening envelopes and packages to check for contraband. They don’t, because the contents are private. Same with internet users, who have the right to a degree of privacy. The need for court orders and suchlike is there to act as a check and balance against over-zealous application of the long arm of the law, and this is understood.

    Other examples could be different. Yes, a content hosting service- say Youtube- can reasonably be expected to have appropriate policing measures to prevent users uploading infringing material. At the same time, there is something akin to the famous “Betamax defence”- just because a product or service can be used for infringing purposes, doesn’t mean it must be, and so the providers of that product or service are not offering anything illegitimate.

    And then tere’s Google proper. I agree with the other posts you’ve mentioned in regards to some of Google’s activity- not with the mere fact they link to sites regardless of permission ind you, as the argument could be made that the internet is by nature a public medium, and so whatever is put out there should be expected to be freely accessed (Facebook-type concerns aside). But in doing so it is also cacheing entire websites. And not only that but another service involves scanning in entire books in order to make parts of them searchable.

    In terms of “dumb laws” there are plenty more out there as viewed from the other side of the fence. Like the ones which seem to favour creators/rights owners more rights than the end users to whom they provide a service, in completely unrealistic fashion. Traditionally you couldn’t copy anything even for your own personal use in the UK. Nor, according to many software license agreements, can you install software on more than a single computer. Or resell OEM software (without the original hardware), magazine cover discs or the discs given away free with newspapers. And what constitutes any sort of public performance also seems insane. As does the rules on importing otherwise legitimate copies, foreign distributon rights, region coding etc. which means limits on consumers being able to able to legitimately purchase goods, at least at a reasonable price. Many people for at least this last reason quite often end up turning to piracy.

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